My dear Chaney...
So I've been kinda vague about i'll be really direct. Pray for my dear little sister. And when I say little, I mean 20 year old sophomore at A&M sister...That's Chaney on the right with the Nall trio at my graduation this past December. She's really sick. About a month agoish, she started throwing up. And if you know Nalls, we eat our food and we like it. It stays in us. Well here we are now, and she's still throwing up. She's been to the doctor and had tests run and it's been diagnosed as a really wierd mono with throwing up caused by anxiety...She gets better and then she gets worse. My parents don't have the heart to officially withdraw her out of A&M for the semester and to make that official decision yet, but that time will have to come soon. She's only signed up for 9 hours but her heart is to be here, in College Station. But her body does not want to cooperate. It's hard to recover from mono when you stay up half the night throwing up and are so weak from having very little in your body. She probably hates that I'm writing this but at the same time I know she's grateful for the prayers. We need them. Our fam, especially Chaney and my parents. Hopefully we'll get some more bloodwork done soon and find out if there's any new status. Any encouragement you can offer to them, do! Chaney sits at home all day long with very little to do and I know it's SO hard for her to sit at home while everyone else is off at school. So pray. That's all I got. And pray in faith too, that God will move, because He will. Pray for understanding in the way He moves, as it may not be how some of us like...And even if only about 2 people read this, that's two more people praying! If you've already done something for her, THANKS!!! She is so blessed by it all. Yall are great and thanks.