Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Fellowship

About a week and a half ago (sorry, slightly delayed post:) I had the privilege of having some WONDERFUL people over to my house aka my parents house in Dallas for some dinner, fun, and fellowship! These are some of my favorite A&M friends (we're missing a few for sure...Linds, Lise, Jonny, Jessie boy, to name a few, there's lots more) and I was so blessed to get to see them all at once. Three of them just left for Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, California. That's what brought up this idea in my mind, kind of a party for them. These people, every single one of them, bless me so much, my heart was practically soaring when they left that night. I am so blessed by the people around me who love Jesus! And that's just a few my age! There's a million older and younger who teach me all the time too. I also love this picture because it displays so much of the character and personality of these ppl. Their laughter, simple joy in life, loving the Lord, and each other, have taught and changed me TONS. My heart rejoices as I think about the person I was entering A&M and the person I'm still becoming, largely in part to their influence on my life. So thanks to all of you, even though like 3 of you read this:), you bless me and I love you a lot.

And Fellowship of the Rings (LOTR) is on tv on Friday, thus the title:)


At 10:39 AM, Blogger Jessie said...

True fellowship is good! You are right we have been blessed we tight friends. You last line about the Lord of the Rings is real funny!

ps I do not have your number due to the fact I have lost my phone probably twice since I last talked to you

At 2:53 PM, Blogger D.O. said...

yeah, that was a nice evening. I have a variation on the theme as my background as I type.


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