Thursday, July 28, 2005

Oh what a day...and there will be some more...

We get a little leeway with the email thing since we leave Sunday which is nice! Today has been insane for sure. Let me tell you, if your love language is gifts, China would be the place for you...I have never been given more gifts in my life. Today was my last day of teaching. Tomorrow morning is closing ceremonies. We had class this morning complete with the aardvark song, have you ever, and would you rather. I got to go after lunch and take the rest of my class for ice cream at KFC. Then we had this massive class party and had all sorts of food and i gave away a ton of stuff for presents. A bunch of the kids have already starting bawling and that also includes myself. I walked out of our room today and two of the older girls i adore (Dylan and YoYo) threw themselves at me got me started. Tonight we watched Princess Diaries on popular demand and then my girls came and chilled in my room. I had a good conversation with lots of significance. Funny how things happen when you least expect them. I got a Chinese character writing set complete with paper so be prepared to want to practice with me when i get home. Now i'm wiped so i'm heading out. We are invited to the headmaster's house tomorrow night for dinner which should be very fun. Stuff doesn't start til 9 tomorrow which means a little more sleep. I got this really tight chi pao or chinese formal like dress which is so tight. I got it for like 18 american dollars. anways, that's all i got for now, talk to ya later. it's gonna be a rough next few days but at the same time i wouldn't trade them for the world.:) night! and yes laura, i actually get up once now after the alarm goes off! something for you to look forward to and heck yes mom i'd love to take chunk to fish camp to see my laura! love you guys! night!


At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you go to cs...i will go too...i don't want my little girls falling asleep while driving...we are still looking for a carpool for fish camp! your blogs currently leave me weepy! i love you, mommy

At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i have to apologise bc i have not been a good friend and written you at all. like not even a little. so im sorry, please forgive me? first off i want to say that anyone going to cs would fall asleep bc its sooo dull, so im glad that jill wants to go and keep yall awake (nothing beats a west texas drive!). i hope that everything else is going well and im glad that you are doing well. im going to be home around the 15th and 16th to get my braces off! hope to see you then and ill talk to ya soon! - matthew

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Jon David Tettleton said...

kelly n--thinking about you guys a lot! i trust dad is keeping his eye on you and bonnie for me! tell bonnie thanks for having her boys make my mom stuff...thats so sweet! i dont know that china can contain two people as sweet as you and bonnie...seriously. im so glad yall are getting to experience that place and those people!! keep loving!! thanks for who you are...tell bonnie hi for me and that shes awesome!

jon david

At 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm thinking and yarping for you on your last few days. Can't wait to see you! Love you!

At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cannot wait for the day that you and mom and chunk come down to college station. that is only a week away. your trip is coming to a close, but it is not the end have planted seeds and your labor is not in vain. walk in faith and confidence of these things. love love love on those people while you have the time. i am talking to dad about you constantly. i cannot wait to hear about all he has done when you return!

At 11:27 AM, Blogger D.O. said...

the youth say hi, Tommy and Tara are getting married today, this weekend Alan Duty's coming to club for some youth lovin'. It's gonna be crazy. Hang in there man, finish strong.


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