Oh I Wish I Had A Camera...
So, my job requires me to begin at 7:15 every morning when I meet the buses. It just so happens that 7:10-15 is exactly when the sun starts to rise up in the sky. My favorite parking place happens to gaze exactly into the sun. Ergo, this morning the sunrise was BEAUTIFUL!!!! It came up over the clouds and I really felt like I had entered into the song "The Days of Elijah", it was so brilliant! It was like the epitome of seeing the cloud's silver lining. And what's even cooler is that it comes up over the projects. Such a sign of hope and beauty. I know I was sure pumped this morning. I think God planned it just for me:) at least I feel that way! I just sat in awe of it, until i realized it was 7:15 exactly and i didn't want to be late! Alas, I had no camera but I do have some other fun outdoor pics...so I will share. All these rainbow pics are courtesy of my Albuquerque, NM/ Santa Fe trip for my cousin Allie's wedding 1 1/2 years ago. Enjoy!