Monday, October 09, 2006

My new favorite hobby...!!!!!

is ROCK CLIMBING! Forget the fact that a lot of my favorite people did it forever in college and I always watched them and even got gear. Have no fear my friends, it is being used and I LOVE it. Sometimes I think it just takes a little longer to fall in love with a hobby for me when I see everyone else doing it. I'm not a big fad person so much. I love picking up hobbies at this stage of my life. There's no expectation and little competition because you know that 99% of people are better at it than you are! That takes all pressure off and I can fully enjoy whatever it may be. My most recent hobbies I've acquired in college include guitar playing, yoga, rock climbing, being outside as much as humanly possible, and besides rock climbing as my most recent, being a dork and just reading a book at a coffee shop on Friday nights instead of hanging out with my 15 friends in college station (and that might be an exaggeration). I like alone time a lot. But don't get me wrong, I love people too! Anyway, bedtime. I have a J Lo football game tomorrow to watch...i'll keep ya posted:) it should be hilarious! i'm done in less than a month! craziness.


At 12:28 PM, Blogger D.O. said...

glad to see you're putting the gear to use... which is more than I can say of mine at this point in time.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Deana Nall said...

I, for one, think you're insane. But have fun!


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