Sunday, June 04, 2006

not a ton but here's what i got...

well, not too much going on but i promised a fairly updated posting so here i am! working at the church is going well...learning a lot about myself and God is changing some of my old selfish attitudes (always a good thing, not always an easy thing)...i'm doing all the tight things interns get to do like staple papers and run powerpoints and make copies...BUT i also get to hang out with kids!!! and i am actually starting to know their names and build relationships! YES! that's why i'm here! or at least one of many...i went to wedding number 2 out of the 8 i'm invited to this summer last night for Clayton and was such an amazing wedding! two people i love dearly who love each other and the Lord dearly. tight combo. Megan McKenty came and stayed all weekend and we began our LOTR quest we've been talking about forever! One down, two to go. Let's see...weddingness for Kimbo is great but it's definitely made me realize i want as simple a wedding as possible. it's not really even about me at all if you think about it. But i'm having a good time helping kimbo out for sure and hangin at home with her. On a lighter note, Chaney's PC name is Little Chunkers which so fits her...thanks billy millet. Daddy just got back from Cuba and smuggled all sorts of cool stuff in; he's got some tight stories! that's all for now...have a great day!


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