Tuesday, December 13, 2005

An Ode to Breathing...How I miss you...reality.

Yah, after a month and a half, two colds and probably close to 10-15 breathing treatments, we're almost back to where we started...I know I said this before, but I'm REALLY identifying with Paul in this whole physical ailment thorn in your side thing. But the tight part about it? His strength is made perfect in my weakness, and when I am weak, then HE is strong. Yes. Victory. And the fact is, even though i'm going crazy because I feel ridiculously lazy, I see that he is teaching me things and I am right where He wants me. That doesn't get any better.
Another thought on my mind these days, reality. Gone are the days of long off graduation...oh they are approaching...thankfully i have a year left unlike my comrades with only a semester. Will I go back to China? Will I work at a school? Will I work at a church? Will I do something completely unrelated to my degree? Good questions huh? Yah, I think so too...answers? no way. One day at a time. I know it's coming and I am seriously looking into going back to China for three years for a tuition free masters program but who knows? we will see. As much as I'd like to know what God is doing in my life, He doesn't HAVE to tell me. He knows and that's gotta be enough for me. He'll clue me in when He thinks it's time. I just have to trust in it. 7/9s of college finished. Craziness. In a year, I will be somewhere really weird doing something very different. I just have a feeling. Funny, I still feel like a 12 year old half the time. I think the older i get the more childlike I become. I guess the world outside of Texas A&M will just have to deal with that because there's no reason for me to change myself for the sole purpose of pleasing them. I've got one person to please, Praise God, literally. Tomorrow I get to go home to my wonderful, amazing family. They are so great. I cannot wait to rest, read, get better (hopefully), reflect, and prepare for next semester along with chilling with them. I also get the opportunity to bless Kimbo with wedding stuff even though I have NO idea what i'm doing. Yes! Just a quick challenge to you guys and myself too: Pray that the Lord would let you see the people you've known for years that you will see over the break, in the same way that he sees them. Not, as we see them tainted by our fleshly experiences with them. May we seek these opportunities to love on people as Christ himself did over the break. If you be in Dallas, give me a call. I am way blessed to be friends with so many AMAZING people.


At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

come home and i will get you well! i promise to feed you well and let you rest. you HAVE to walk with me though...inside, of course. i love you! mommy

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so...you are back to no rest...back in school....work hard thursday thru sunday so you can have hw ready for monday...3 days of school is not easy, huh? miss u...mommy


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