Friday, June 24, 2005

Peaced out of Big D, Chillin in LA

Hey guys...So seriously weird but exciting! I leave TOMORROW morning! The Circuit 2 is fully loaded, all 30 should be a solid continual workout in China:) It has been a crazy mad rush since getting back from Canada, but a good one. I will miss my guitar lots, we have grown rather attached...but ya know, i'm not going to China for my own purposes! Oh and don't get me wrong, i will miss more than my guitar :), people too! I'm terrified, nervous, excited, soooo ready to go, and disbelieving that this is finally happening, and all in one. Daddy totally knows what he's doing so i'm just chillin in that knowledge. Victory!!! And I even get to teach in my chacos and t-shirt and shorts...heck yah! It makes me sad that United States school's don't follow this trend of dress as well for teachers...i could get used to it. I keep thinking of this quote from the movie Miracle, that says, "I'm not looking for the best players, I'm looking for the right ones." Yep, I think that about sums it up. Thanks Herb Brooks...great movie for sure. To all you who've been crazy with everything this last month, i'd definitely call it a privilege to have been yarping for my tight family (YOU!). I don't know when the next post will be but keep looking for it! Time to head out on the craziest adventure ever...and I cannot wait! Sweet! I'll do my best to keep you posted on what's going on. Have an absolutely wonderful day!


At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... have been gone for a mere seven hours. I have decided to send you a package. Let me know if you have ideas? Candy, school supplies...? It will have a new inhaler in it. You did not leave home with a new one. Medicine is important, right? You are very loved. mommy


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